If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you...
Exodus 33:13a

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thanks for the message

Dear Jesus,
Sunday Bob's message was great! It was mission Sunday and Osmel decided to go to service with me. It is always great to sit together in church. Bob taught on Isaiah 6. God asks, "Who will go for us...?" and Isaiah's reply, "Here am I, send me."
I came across this verse for the first time when I was about 17. It was just before our summer concert event and Terry had given us (the youth group leaders) some tasks to prepare. To be honest, I don't remember what my task was, but I do remember the outcome. I was looking for verses to post on the wall of our meeting room- motivational posters to help us remember what our purpose was in ministry. I read Isaiah 6 and I thought, "This is is, God wants us to be ready... to be willing... to serve him." But in my own heart, this verse struck a cord with me that would carry over for the rest of my life. In me, was born the heart of a missionary.
So when Bob taught on this, wow, it was a reminder of where I have been, and brought to mind the question, where do I want to go? At the end of the message, there was a chance to stand- to come forward and to proclaim that I was willing to be used of God wherever and whenever He wanted me. I started to pray, "God, call my husband too." My heart was practically pounding out of my chest, I was crying, and I was certainly ready to jump on up to the front of the church, but I needed my husband to go with me. We went forward on Sunday, proclaiming to all that we were ready to go where God wanted us and when He was ready for us to go.
After service, we went for lunch. While we wer having lunch, we started talking about the service and what it meant that we had gone forward. We have always known that you Jesus have brought us together for a great purpose. We acknowledge that our lives are a testimony and that people will look upon us to see what God has brought together. So as we were talking about it all- we started to think about, discuss what might be our calling. Where were we going to serve God and how. As we talked- surmised, dreamed, we came to the conclusion that God might be calling us to return to Cuba and that might be the place of our ministry. We surmised about what specifically might be our function, but of course, we are only guessing. We do feel strongly, that God is preparing us for His service and we look forward to seeing what and when we will be doing.