If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you...
Exodus 33:13a

Sunday, July 25, 2010

open doors

Dear Jesus,
today bob taught from acts 16 and paul's 2nd missionary journey. something i had never thought of before. when paul left, he tried to go to two places and each time, god closed the door. then he had a vision to go to macedonia. but he didn't have the vision until he hit the end of the road. literally because the city he was in was a coastal city and where was he going to go from there? it was a good message.
the nugget that i walked away with had to do with starting to move forward when god says go and letting god direct your steps, trusting that he will open and close doors as you go forward. none of us like to have doors closed on us, but it is better than never trying.
as bob started teaching, i asked god to speak to me directly about our situation with adoption. we had started to move forward and then i lost my job and it seemed to be a roadblock for sure. but as bob continued to share from your word, i started to wonder what you were going to show us. we had just talked about going through the county at this point because going with a private agency is so expensive. after service, i was working the married's table and osmel was waiting for me. we started to talk to steve and i thought it the perfect opportunity for osmel to hear first hand someone's experience with adoption.... funny thing- he and jill adopted through the county which as i already stated was looking like it was going to be our next step.
i really love the way you guide and direct our steps. as we talked to steve, i could see osmel's heart melting- as if it was the perfect conversation for us to have.
lord, i am overwhelmed with the possibility that you have a perfect situation for our family, that you may have a child with whom we will be a perfect match and that you will make it come about in your timing!!
jesus i love you and i look forward to you leading us to our next destination.

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